EOC Activation - And the ULLWA Was There!
As you are probably aware, there was a large chemical plant fire that occured this morning. The Polk County EOC was activated and soon after our local ARES®/RACES EC was notified to come to the EOC.
Since I was in Houston, we notified two ARES®/RACES team members and our "phone tree" was activated.
I was so VERY proud of the response of our ARES®/RACES team.
Within a span of only 35 minutes, the radio room at the EOC was staffed and our emergency net was activated. Over the almost five hours of activation, thirteen area hams participated... Not bad for a weekday!
Special thanks to Robert, KD5UAD, AEC, who single-handedly responded to the EOC and fired up our two new radios and gave them a workout! Thanks to all who participated: N0CAL AA5DT WD5DAW AD5UL W5SAM N5LER KI5YAX KA5TBL KJ5AWJ WD5CWZ KF5YHI KD5UAD
KG5AWU I hope I didn't miss anyone. Thankfully, emergency communications weren't needed, but the activation proved that we could be a valuable resource when called upon. Want to join our ARES/RACES team? Shoot me an email or apply online: https://www.arrlstxvps.org/vault_area/vault_gateway/site_gateway/vault_profile.php -- 73's
James "Skip" Straus, W5TXT ARES® District Emergency Coordinator - STX District 2 and Polk County Emergency Coordinator Texas Dept of Emergency Management RACES #14-373 County Liaison Officer for Polk County
Upper Lake Livingston Wireless Association - ullwa.com
Treasurer, PIO, Webmaster