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Come discover the fun of Amateur Radio!

2nd Thursday of the month 7:00PM

Onalaska Volunteer Fire Dept

181 Old Groveton Road
Onalaska, TX 77360

We also use ZOOM on meeting nights!

To join as a guest contact KJ5CQV, James Pierce

2-meter Nets Held Every Tuesday!
Three nets on the last Tuesday of Each Month!

Skywarn/Emergency Training Net 147.040 @ 7:00 pm and ULLWA Net 145.350 @ 7:45pm

ALSO! Simplex Net on 146.52 LAST Tuesday of each Month immediately following ULLWA Net 



Livingston 147.040 PL136.5
Coldspring 442.150 PL103.5
Trinity 145.35 PL131.8
Livingston 443.025 C4FM(digital)

Coldspring 147.160 PL103.5 (analog)/C4FM (digital)
New Waverly 147.180 PL 136.5
COMING SOON! Escapees 145.21 PL 103.5


Skywarn/Emergency Training Net Preamble

ULLWA Club Net Preamble

Monthly Simplex Net Preamble

Skywarn/Emergency Actual Net Activation

You can now order the new ULLWA Club Badge with YOUR name and call sign - direct from The Signman!


Want to get involved in Ham Radio?


Want to help in times of emergency?


Want to talk to the International Space Station?

Want to communicate with satellites?


Come to a meeting OR click the link to discover how to get licensed.

Talking Wireless Around the World

Read the fantastic article featured in the Polk County Enterprise by Vicki Coker by clicking the pic below!

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